Sriracha Spanish Chicken

I love chicken. My son loves chicken. All kinds of preparations: baked, fried, sautéed, roasted, doesn't matter.. We LOVE chicken.

So when I put some thighs and drumsticks out to thaw before I left for work, needless to say, there were many options for what I was going to do with it. I knew that I had a taste for something comforting, mealy and just something that would make you feel GOOD..... 

I planned to look around online and consult my taste buds thoroughly by the end of the day and come home with a decision. Never happened. 

I stood over and at the chicken, tapping my fingers on the edge of the sink. It stared back. Nothing. I opened my spice cabinet and looked in there. Still nothing. I tried leaving the kitchen to reset my brain. Maybe that might work. Nope. Nothing.

Finally, I went and stood directly in front of my commercial shelving that housed all of my dry goods. My eyes roamed from top to bottom, searching, seeking something to inspire me. And then I saw it. One lonely can of Rotel and all my problems went out the front door! Although I didn't know what to name the meal forming in my mind, nor did I know how I would use the can of diced tomatoes & chilies, I just knew it was going to be delicious!

Okay, here it goes!  

Gather these goodies: 

8-10 chicken thighs and/or drumsticks  

1 can of Rotel diced tomatoes

2-3 TBs Sriracha Sauce

2 cups chicken broth  

2 TBs vegan butter

Goya seasoning or any seasoning mix  

salt & pepper

Let's get cooking: 


Season chicken with salt, pepper and seasoning mix. Set aside. In a large pan, use olive oil, ghee butter or other oil just as long as it's not too fragrant in a large pan and sear your chicken skin side down. And I mean CRISP those bad boys up!


After you've seared your pieces, set them aside. I know, I know, they're not completely cooked. We were just taking the step to not only make it juicy when you eat it later by letting the juices redistribute throughout, but it will LOOK delicious on your plate when you're finished cooking.

In the same pan, add the butter which should start bubbling up nicely as it reacts to the remaining bits of favor from the chicken. Use a flat wisk to loosen them if needed. Yum. 

Following, add the Rotel and half of your chicken broth. Reserve the rest for later when your sauce reduces.  Add the Sriracha. Add more if you want it even spicier. Bring to a boil under medium heat and return chicken skin side up to the pan. 

Simmer for 15 minutes uncovered and allow to reduce. At this point you should taste your sauce. Let the flavors hit your tongue and see what it tells you back. Need more salt, less salt? Adjust by adding a pinch of salt or use the remaining broth. 

Cover the pan halfway - to keep the steam from destroying the crispy skin you worked so hard on - and continue on low heat for another 10 minutes. 

Serve... We ate ours with rice. You can make this whole meal in less than 30 minutes as long as you start your sides on time to end with your chicken. I will do a post one day to explain/teach it. Let us know if you're interested! 

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