How to Look 30 in Your 40s

I’ll probably get a couple of eye rolls out of this post but it is what it is. Most people don’t believe me when I tell them how old I am. Sure, it’s commonly said that “black don’t crack” but I submit to you that it’s definitely more than just that.

While brushing my teeth and doing my face routine the other day I heard the narrative “How to Look 30 in Your 40s” pop in my head. I know. I’m hearing voices now. 😂 We all do! Don’t we? Err…

Anyway, needless to say, I came up with a list that you won’t find in @cosmopolitan or @voguemagazine . Sure, an influencer will review products for you and make recommendations, but it may not be what I’m telling you now. Let’s go:


❇️ - Lose the attitude. You know what I’m talking about. The negative ones. Jealousy, bitterness, unforgiveness, back biting, hating, gossip, envy. All of it. Quit getting worked up when you see someone doing different from what you’re doing. Let them be and focus on yourself. If you’re having attitude about your job, leave it. Having a bigger one about your relationship? Ditch that too. All the negative stuff shows up on your face.

❇️ - STOP COMPLAINING!. When have you ever seen an attractive “Karen or Jack?” Do they have a positive light that can be felt when they walk into a room, or do you get the sense something is about to go down? All that fussing, cussing and complaining about each and every little thing only takes up more of your energy. Look on the bright side for a change. Practice what I’ve always called #nocomplaintsjustthanks (#ncjt). You are literally draining all of your personal reserve nitpicking. Not my saying, but stop complaining about things you tolerate. Either do something about it or shut up. Sure, life throws a lot at us, but THAT’S LIFE. But you know exactly what I’m saying. All the negative energy draining from your insides shows up on your face.

❇️ - Learn and practice unconditional self love and set yourself free from trying to be someone you’re not or what society expects of you. Baby, you were born that way. You’re amazing just the way you are, like Bruno Mars says. The effort to go in the opposite direction of who you were meant to be is STRESSFUL and it shows up on your face.

❇️ - Be you, do you and believe in you. It’s hard in the beginning but work on it. Period. If not, it shows up on your face too.

❇️ - Change or tighten your circle if needed. What’s the saying? It’s better to have four quarters than a hundred pennies. Yes. It’s actually surprising how some people will escort themselves out of your life on their own without you doing anything. And a lot of times on retrospect, it was us resurrecting them over and over again. Playing and catering to people who aren’t your friend shows up on your face too.

I’ve looked at my pictures of myself when I was younger and they don’t compare to present day and it’s my belief that as I healed, forgave those who had wronged me, practiced self-love and shed the expectations of others to be my true self, I transformed from the inside out and it shows. Shocking to even me. The slogan “Fitness is Wholeness” from 320Fit applies here.

But hey, if you want to hear something less involved because this sounds like a lot of work? Here are some basics: Drink plenty of water and establish a good skin care routine. Go to an esthetician here and there for your facials and scrubs. But I'm telling you - if you don’t deal with what’s going on inside, that too, will show up on your face.

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